Hangar Party
Save the date! CWB will be holding a hangar party at Paine Field on May 25. Watch your e-mail for details.
Save the date! CWB will be holding a hangar party at Paine Field on May 25. Watch your e-mail for details.
From the Museum of Flight… We have received new procedures effective immediately where KCIA in cooperation with the FAA and the MOF, have created new safety protocols for airport ingress and egress to increase security and limit liability. Pilots will Read more…
Congratulations to our 2019 Cascade Warbirds Memorial Scholarship winners! In a continuing quest to improve our aviation scholarship program, and in an effort to determine which of our scholars is truly interested in aviation as a career, we have added Read more…
Howdy Folks You are invited to attend our last meeting of the winter. As usual, it’s at the Museum of Flight on Boeing Field in Seattle. This Saturday, 9 March, kicking off promptly at 10:00 AM. We’ll be on the Read more…
Benton Air Faire has announced its fly-in / classic car / military vehicle air show will be held October 5, 2019.
CWB members, here are some ways you can support the squadron financially. Did you know that many employers match cash donations? Be sure to request one when you contribute to our 501(c)(3) charitable org. Even better, some companies, including Microsoft Read more…
Ok, folks… Here it is – discretion being the better part of valor and with an abundance of caution, there will be NO member meeting on February 9. Full refunds will be in the mail next . . . Oh, Read more…
The January 2019 issue of the Warbird Flyer is now available online. In this issue… WWII vet Art Unruh honored at CenturyLink Field Flight operations update Scholarship winners updates Washington, DC WWII flyover And…more! As always, we thank everyone who Read more…
[This is a sample ad. Yours could be here! See our Advertising section for more information.] Thank you to new advertiser and Cascade Warbirds supporter, Bob’s Flying Service! Hi, I’m Bob, and I’m crazy about flying! If you have the Read more…